STEM Content Marketing Suite features and optimizations

July 1, 2020

Based on a recent ResearchGate survey, 65% of STEM researchers consider educational content, such as eBooks or Application Notes, the most valuable type of digital marketing outreach. High-value content engages scientists when they’re in a research discovery mode, resulting in ResearchGate offering 2 to 3 times the average click-through rate, compared to the industry average.

Along with these insights, as well as behavioral data from 17-million STEM researchers, we have developed a new, improved STEM Content Marketing Suite. These sophisticated tools enable digital marketers to establish a comprehensive digital strategy within the ResearchGate professional network.

A clear content marketing strategy lets you connect with the scientists who matter to your business. You can establish brand trust and brand authority by sharing your company’s scientific output, activating your target audience online. While the buying cycles for scientific products are notoriously long and complex, ResearchGate simplifies the process — by keeping your business top-of-mind within a trusted environment, throughout the scientific purchasing journey.

Screenshot of the new, optimized lead generation, including a lead form and a content example.
Optimized lead generation

Optimized lead generation

  • New lead-gen post design is now optimized for higher conversion rate.
  • Lead-gen forms are auto-populated with a STEM researcher’s professional contact information, which has boosted conversion rates by an average of 12+%.
  • Now your fresh leads can be automatically sent to your CRM — including either Marketo or Salesforce.
  • Gain insight into your cost-per-lead (CPL) and click-through-rate (CTR), with a new stats overview developed by a ResearchGate data scientist.
A screenshot of the new content gallery look.
New Content Gallery

New Content Gallery

  • Group themed content, or different features of the same content, with a focus on the science that matters to STEM researchers.
  • Save time and money by creating a Content Gallery, without the need to build custom landing pages on your website.
  • Get stats about which type of collateral performs best and learn what resonates most with your target audience.
A screenshot of the new, optimized look of native and side ads.
Optimized content native ads and side ads

Optimized content native ads and side ads

  • New native ad format is optimized for an eBook, or other educational content, for download from the researcher’s home feed.
  • Side ads follow the researcher while they’re in a high-intent discovery mode — bringing further attention to your campaign.
  • Your creative is optimized to stand out, attract attention, and get clicks.
  • The new native ad formats are only available for managed ads, and not available for self-serve ads, due to technical implementation restrictions.

Are you a digital marketer looking to connect with scientists and researchers? Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you achieve your business goals, by reaching and activating your target audience online.

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