Resource Center

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Page of the 4th Commercial Insights Report named "Identify and leverage the researcher moments that matter"

Identify and leverage the researcher moments that matter

Based on extensive user research, ResearchGate identified key moments in the research journey. Learn how to leverage this in your marketing.

Cover of the Informational Report named "Defining your audience with ResearchGate"

Defining your audience with ResearchGate

Explore how profile, behavioral, and contextual targeting data can be leveraged to help you reach the right audience on our platform.


Science hasn’t slowed, it’s just moved online

Discover how COVID-19 has changed researcher behavior and how to engage your target audience with high-value educational content.


Adjusting sciences marketing for COVID-19

Watch to discover the changes in researcher behavior and learn how to engage scientists where research is happening now: online.


Channels and tactics to influence lab purchase

Survey data and platform metrics demonstrate most efficient and cost-effective routes to influence your audience in science.


Channels and tactics to influence lab purchase

Learn how to reduce your cost-per-lead by 10x, the highest-ROI content for life scientists, and which channels matter when.


Lab buying group dynamics: Who is involved when

Learn how to increase your influence among the hierarchy of actors that contribute to life science lab equipment purchasing decisions.


Lab buying group dynamics

Watch to learn who is involved in life science lab equipment purchases—including when to target them with marketing communications.


Three golden rules for marketing to scientists

Utilize this framework to develop campaigns that drive marketing objectives and support your business goals.

More insights from ResearchGate Marketing Solutions


Impact of COVID-19 on life science purchasing behavior

Access new data from the ResearchGate network of scientists and researchers to understand today’s fast-changing market.


How COVID-19 is affecting the global scientific community

Scientists and researchers haven’t stopped working, but they have adapted new ways of working to maintain productivity.


How has COVID impacted scientific research?

Discover how to connect with researchers via scientific content, which drives the highest engagement rates.


STEM Content Marketing Suite

Discover how to connect with researchers via high-value scientific content, which drives the highest engagement rates on ResearchGate.


Events on ResearchGate

Explore how digital events promotions on ResearchGate can help you secure signups and increase event attendance.