How coronavirus is impacting scientists

April 1, 2020

There is no precedent to the pandemic in our hyper-connected age, and its effects are terribly disruptive on many levels.

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase, governments around the world are imposing necessary measures to contain and mitigate the spread of the coronavirus disease. This includes travel bans, school and workplace closure, event cancellation, and compulsory remote office — impacting everything from the global economy to our very social fabric.

Impact of COVID-19 on researchers

While many STEM professionals are on the frontlines of the pandemic, battling the global crisis in hospitals, medical-research laboratories, drug development research centers, and more, we also wanted to understand more generally how COVID-19 is impacting the scientific research population.

As the world’s network for scientists and researchers, we felt it was our responsibility to check-in with our community and understand their needs and concerns at this time.

Survey of 3,000 researchers

On Wednesday, March 18, we opened up a survey within our professional network of 16-million registered members, asking researchers to share how the coronavirus is impacting their work. We closed the survey late Thursday, March 19, after collecting more than 3,000 responses in this 24-hour window.

The data derived from this survey forms the basis of a publicly available insight report. Based on our own desk research, we believe it to be among the largest surveys of how the global research community is being impacted by the coronavirus to date. (If you'd like to dive deeper into the data, and learn about our hypotheses about COVID-19's impact on the future of scientific research activity, please watch this 13-minute webinar with our team members Darren and Abigail.) Please read our insight report now to access the data from the global research community.

Read report with data from 3,000 scientists

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