Introducing Video Ads on ResearchGate

April 29, 2022

We are navigating a digital visual era, and organizations looking to stand out from their competitors know that the usual tactics — pay-per-click search ads, attending events, and word-of-mouth — are no longer enough.

Brands and institutions need to use tools and formats that allow them to stand out from the crowd and connect with their target audience building trust and credibility.

And that’s where video comes into play.

Video advertising allows you to create smart, relevant, and eye-catchy content that is easily consumed and, most importantly, shared by people.

With more than 5 billion videos watched per day on YouTube only, and more than 27% of online viewers claiming to watch more than 10 hours of online videos per week, this format is clearly becoming one of the greatest branding and awareness channels of our time.

Furthermore, according to a HubSpot report, more than 50% of consumers preferred to see video content from the brands they support more than any other format.

In response to this need, ResearchGate updated its Native Ads family by introducing Video Ads.

This new format allows you to improve your brand visibility and awareness by adding stunning visual content to your multi-channel campaigns on ResearchGate.

Two text boxes, one with a "play" button and one with a heart.


Grow your brand awareness

Engage a large audience by quickly grabbing attention with a video, and then educate and entertain them to improve your ad dwell time.

A monitor and mobile showing a video on the screens.

Native Video Ads on desktop and mobile

Your content is integrated seamlessly into the ResearchGate platform, so you’re part of the conversation.

A bar and line graph with a trendline to the top right.

Performance review and optimization

We monitor and optimize your video ads’ performance. Save time and overhead.

The addition of video ads to your marketing efforts can help you connect with your audience, build trust and credibility, and improve your ad dwell time — all while keeping your business top of mind within the scientific community.


Contact our Sales team to find out how you can improve your brand image and awareness by telling your story through video to a community of millions of scientists online.

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