Generate a clear return on investment with digital events in science

November 19, 2020

Most of us are used to learning, speaking, and networking in person. But while pivoting from a calendar of physical to virtual events is not easy, there is clear return-on-investment to engaging scientists online.

STEM marketing budgets in 2021 will likely be very different from previous plans. In previous years, significant portions of budget would likely have been allocated to in-person event hosting and attendance. It’s an established model for driving brand recognition and association with key STEM issues, as well as networking with potential new clients.

In 2021, it remains important for STEM organizations to retain these opportunities, which means making meetings and events virtual. Shifting from in-person events to a digital medium is not a simple move, but the good news is that there are clear business benefits to changing course and driving new opportunities online.

Extend your reach and engagement

The single most limiting factor of in-person events is location. For some, the time, expense, and logistics associated with industry events can be prohibitive, but with digital events, this is not the case. With webinars and online courses, STEM organizations are able to produce bite-sized pieces of content across multiple touchpoints on a more regular basis. With engagement opportunities lasting throughout the year and not confined to just a single conference event, it is easier for sales teams to follow-up in a timely fashion, all at a significantly reduced production cost.

Researchers themselves also benefit from online events. A more consistent stream of digital interaction enables them to continuously connect with branded educational content that benefits their scientific work — while also developing more familiarity with a brand’s offerings and expertise, which can help them choose the right tools and resources for their scientific work in the future.

Scientists of various age attending a webinar from their lab.

Gain more data-driven insights and more accurately measure your cost per lead

Face to face interaction is invaluable, as it helps build new connections. But sometimes, when networking or discussing your proposition, it can be difficult to keep track of every single interaction. This makes it harder to remember exact details when following up, in order to make interactions more bespoke or personalized. Hosting events online takes away this issue, as there is a clear record of which attendees (including their role and organization) ask what questions – allowing you to engage them appropriately as follow-up.

Expert tip: Use event registration forms that are optimized for lead generation. On ResearchGate, lead forms that are pre-filled with member information typically result in higher conversion rates (15+% on average), and with ResearchGate, leads can be sent automatically to leading CRMs, including Salesforce and Marketo. Knowing your cost per lead also helps you make better-informed decisions about your marketing strategy — including more accurate evaluation of different channels. By identifying which perform best, you can determine where to allocate spend.

Generate excitement and anticipation via social proof

To help ensure return on investment and high-quality attendance, consider using ‘registered or interested’ lists, which display the people who have signed up, to help drive awareness amongst your target audience. Researchers report that showing attendee lists increases their interest in an event and helps create a sense of community around a topic. When scientists openly register in-network for events, their peers and colleagues are more likely to register too. This can result in higher registration rates, as well as a higher-quality audience that is more likely to be more relevant to your business, and also more engaged.

For organizations that see a pressing need to pivot from in-person events, hosting virtual events provides a number of attractive opportunities. Finding the right channel to help facilitate this is important. Events on ResearchGate is an ideal platform to help you successfully promote your virtual activities among your target audience in science.

Cut through the digital noise. Promote your webinar or virtual event on ResearchGate, the world’s most visited platform in science.*

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