“Sweet spots” for advertisers on the researcher journey

October 12, 2022

Previously, we saw how researchers like Sara* use ResearchGate to assist them during almost every stage of the cyclical research journey. As outlined in our commercial insights report, Researcher moments that matter, there are pivotal moments along that journey where advertisers can also make a major difference in the lives of researchers. 

As Sara,* a cancer researcher, scoured through hundreds of publications on ResearchGate, looking into the current state of research, she came across a brand awareness campaign run by a new biostatistics software provider that suggested a new program she’d never heard of before. She was intrigued, and as she researched the program further, she realized it could provide much better clustering and visualizations of multi-type data. With over 3.7 billion pageviews on ResearchGate and over 70 million unique monthly visitors, Sara was definitely not alone in that discovery.

While Sara was reading the publications she needed, she came across another ad for the biostatistics software. This time it was promoting an introductory guide on how to use the software in her research. She provided some of her contact information to receive the free guide and received some further educational communications from the software provider.

Sara was stuck at a certain point during her research because her lab didn’t have the right gas chromatograph for her needs. ResearchGate is, after all, a network, so she turned to the Q&A section to ask if any other scientists could recommend one. She was shown an advertisement for a brand new model, which is the same one her fellow cancer researchers on ResearchGate also happened to suggest. While exchanging messages with them online, she was notified of an upcoming webinar that showcased how to use the new gas chromatograph. 

“In 2021, on average 70% of questions asked were answered within 48 hours on ResearchGate.” 

Once her research was ready to be published, Sara knew she could find reliable journal information on ResearchGate. She submitted to her top journal and chose three alternatives. She was happy to see that they all had a ResearchGate journal page. She could find the information that was useful about the journal l in one place: their editorial board members, their aims and scopes, their submission processes, and all applicable metrics. 

Sara’s not alone in how she leveraged ResearchGate to facilitate aspects of her research journey. Based on extensive member research we conducted among our 23 million members, we’ve identified the key “moments that matter” in the research process. Advertisers who match their objectives to these key moments can have a true impact on the lives of researchers – in that moment, and beyond.

Download the Commercial Insights Report: Identify and leverage the researcher moments that matter.

*Sara and the other researchers mentioned in this article represent a composite of the researchers we spoke to in the course of our research for the Commercial Insights Report: Identify and leverage the researcher moments that matter.

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